Tensbarg Himalayan Strong Craft Beer

Tensbarg Premium Lager Craft Beer

Tensbarg Premium Strong Craft Beer

About Us

We Brew Limited Edition Beer With A History

At Tensbarg, crafting exceptional beer isn't just a passion; it's an art form. Our beers are meticulously brewed using time-honored techniques and the highest quality, all-natural ingredients sourced from trusted suppliers. Each batch is carefully crafted by our skilled brewers, who pour their expertise and dedication into every step of the brewing process. From selecting the finest malts and hops to ensuring precise fermentation and aging, we take pride in creating beers that embody excellence in taste and quality. With Tensbarg beer, you can savor the richness of flavors and aromas that only come from a true dedication to craftsmanship and the use of premium, natural ingredients. Experience the difference with Tensbarg, where every sip is a testament to our commitment to brewing excellence.

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“We thrive in making fine beer that enrich the taste & soul’’







Our Beer

Discover Our Beer

Tensbarg Premium Strong Craft Beer

Tensbarg Himalayan Strong Craft Beer

Tensbarg Premium Lager Craft Beer

Tensbarg Glacier Water Rolls Royce Limited Edition


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Recebts Blogs & Articles

December 29, 2023

Beer production in China will be the largest in the world in 2019

December 29, 2023

The popularity of craft beer rises every year

For many years, our beer has been rated the highest score and received many awards at European Beer Award